27 nov 2009

Barcelona Well Woman Clinic

Jag är nu "officiellt" upptagen i gruppen som jobbar på Barcelona Well Woman Clinic.
Återstår nu endast att fila på text som jag vill ha med på deras sida samt bestämma vilket foto som jag vill ha med.

Barcelona Well Woman Clinic är ett nyöppnat center som ligger mitt i centrala Barcelona, jättevackra ljusa lokaler, trevlig atmosfär och urtrevlig kvinna som driver det. Kan bli hur bra som helst!

Text från deras web:

Imagine a life of radiant health, full of energy, with peace of mind, body and spirit.
Barcelona Well Woman Clinic is an integrated health practice, combining both medical and complementary care. We are dedicated to helping women achieve optimum health at every life stage with a particular expertise in natural fertility.
The clinic is staffed by professional and licensed practitioners of holistic healing modalities and art forms that support a nurturing environment. Our practitioners are personally invested in a positive transformation and provide the highest quality of services available to serve the health and healing of its community
We employ a wide range of therapies including
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Physiotherapy, Nutrition and exercise to gently and naturally guide you back into balance.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Va roligt. Grattis.
hälsningar ifrån ett lite soligt Uppsala.